Prof. SERGE LUQUET, Université Paris Cité
"My research team is primarily focused on the physiology of body weight homeostasis and food intake. A strong component of our work encompass physiological approaches of brain circuits dictating metabolic control. With the emergence of omics technology it has become crucial to benefit from an expertise in bio informatics. My encounter with MedInsights was a revelation in that regards because the company not only has cutting edge knowledge and tools but also-which is quite unique in my experience-is offering mentoring and training support for post-doc and fellows to develop an understanding of the pipeline of analysis and procedure to be followed. MedInsights has been giving talks in my lab on several occasion and we are now actively seeking to make MedInsights part of of all our developing projects in which their expertise and knowledge has become a crucial determinant of competitivity in academic publication, data analysis and fund raising."
ELENI SIOPI, Ph.D., Pharm.D, Institut Necker Enfants Malades
"Very satisfied with our collaboration, I recommend without hesitation"
MARINA LOCHHEAD, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Kyron bio
"Great at facilitating ongoing communication and quick turnaround on responding to feedback. Very good customer service."
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Quantifying hope: An EU perspective of rare disease therapeutic space and market dynamics
Rare diseases, affecting millions globally, pose a significant healthcare burden despite impacting a small population. While approximately 70% of all rare diseases are are genetic and often begin in childhood, diagnosis remains slow and only 5% have approved treatments. The UN emphasizes improved access to primary care for these patients and their families. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and next-generation sequencing (NGS) offer hope for earlier and more accurate diagnoses, potentially leading to preventative measures and targeted therapies. This study explores the therapeutic landscape for rare diseases, analyzing drugs in development and those already approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). We differentiate between orphan drugs with market exclusivity and repurposed existing drugs, both crucial for patients. By analyzing market size, segmentation, and publicly available data, this comprehensive study aims to pave the way for improved treatments and a brighter future for rare disease patients.

Slc20a1 and Slc20a2 regulate neuronal plasticity and cognition independently of their phosphate transport ability
In recent years, primary familial brain calcification (PFBC), a rare neurological disease characterized by a wide spectrum of cognitive disorders, has been associated to mutations in the sodium (Na)-Phosphate (Pi) co-transporter SLC20A2. However, the functional roles of the Na-Pi co-transporters in the brain remain still largely elusive. Here we show that Slc20a1 (PiT-1) and Slc20a2 (PiT-2) are the most abundant Na-Pi co-transporters expressed in the brain and are involved in the control of hippocampal-dependent learning and memory. We reveal that Slc20a1 and Slc20a2 are differentially distributed in the hippocampus and associated with independent gene clusters, suggesting that they influence cognition by different mechanisms. Accordingly, using a combination of molecular, electrophysiological and behavioral analyses, we show that while PiT-2 favors hippocampal neuronal branching and survival, PiT-1 promotes synaptic plasticity. The latter relies on a likely Otoferlin-dependent regulation of synaptic vesicle trafficking, which impacts the GABAergic system. These results provide the first demonstration that Na-Pi co-transporters play key albeit distinct roles in the hippocampus pertaining to the control of neuronal plasticity and cognition. These findings could provide the foundation for the development of novel effective therapies for PFBC and cognitive disorders.

Clinical efficacy landscaping in genetic obesity: A meta-analysis in Prader Willi syndrome (PWS)
Genetic obesity such as Prader Willi syndrome (PWS) is a multifaceted condition influenced by various elements, including genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and behavioral components. This meta-analysis explored the reported efficacy of therapeutics in clinical trials for PWS by evaluating clinical endpoints reached in the course of the study and the adverse events observed for each. We looked at GLP1 receptor mediated and non-GLP1 receptor mediated therapies and compared their performance in study arms across time and standard of care. In addition, we estimated the present market shares across different obesity and diabetes assets which have been tested against PWS. In conclusion, the study points to two key readouts. First, existing obesity and diabetes assets are not effective for genetic obesity such as PWS. The unmet needs remain high. Second, the markets for obesity and diabetes are in a stage of expansion. A collaborative approach to therapy development for genetic obesity is required to improve the quality of life for affected individuals.

Gut microbiota changes require vagus nerve integrity to promote depressive-like behaviors in mice
Chronic stress constitutes a major risk factor for depression that can disrupt various aspects of homeostasis, including the gut microbiome (GM). Our research shows that vagotomy abrogates adult HPC neurogenesis deficits, neuroinflammation and depressive-like behavior, suggesting that vagal afferent pathways are necessary to drive GM-mediated effects on the brain.

Modeling of SARS-CoV-2 Virus Proteins: Implications on Its Proteome.
COronaVIrus Disease 19 (COVID-19) is a severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) caused by a group of beta coronaviruses, SARS-CoV-2. The SARS-CoV-2 virus is similar to previous SARS- and MERS-causing strains and has infected nearly six hundred and fifty million people all over the globe, while the death toll has crossed the six million mark (as of December, 2022). In this chapter, we look at how computational modeling approaches of the viral proteins could help us understand the various processes in the viral life cycle inside the host, an understanding of which might provide key insights in mitigating this and future threats. This understanding helps us identify key targets for the purpose of drug discovery and vaccine development.

SARS- CoV-2 viroporins:
A multi-omics insight from nucleotides to amino acids
The study of two prominent viroporins of SARS-CoV-2: Orf3a and (E) protein from a sequential and structural point of view.

Structural insight into the role of novel SARS-CoV-2 E protein: A potential target for vaccine development and other therapeutic strategies
Using the bioinformatics and structural modelling approach, we modelled the structure of the envelope (E)-protein of novel SARS-CoV-2, and propose that it plays a critical role in viral infection and pathogenesis.